Founded in 1991 and published by the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT), Rheedea is an international peer-reviewed journal with four online and two print issues per year. The online issues will be published in March, June, September and December while the printed issues will be published in June and December.
Rheedea publishes original research articles in angiosperm taxonomy including monographs, revisions, reviews, checklists, descriptions of new taxa, nomenclatural papers, new reports, phylogeny, numerical taxonomy and book reviews.
All manuscripts should be submitted on the journal website through the online submission portal. Authors are requested to register with the journal prior to submission. Authors can submit their manuscripts using the user ID and password after a simple log-in.
Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts in Rich Text format (.rtf) with figures separately (preferably as JPG or TIFF files). However, if large numbers of figures are associated with the MS, authors are requested to submit a single PDF file of figures. To prepare a single PDF authors can insert all the figures in a single word file that can be further converted to PDF using any appropriate software (such as DoPDF). Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the original figures in higher resolution can be submitted.
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